In a global society, it is essential for students to have awareness, understanding, and appreciation for other cultures. Kaur Foundation supports educators who wish to integrate learning about Sikhism into their classes.
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Why should I include Sikhism in my curriculum?
Sikhs are the fifth largest religious group in the world. There are more than 25 million Sikhs around the world and approximately 700,000 in the United States. However, Sikhism is widely misunderstood, and Sikh American have faced discrimination, bullying, and even hate crimes as a result of this lack of understanding. The United States is one of the most culturally and religiously diverse nations in the world. As our communities grow ever more diverse, it is critical to our democracy that we appreciate and understand the different backgrounds of our neighbors, colleagues, students, and friends. Learning and teaching about diversity within our communities promotes global citizenship and provides opportunities for students to develop the knowledge and skills crucial to live and work in a religiously diverse, democratic society. Including Sikhism in the curriculum recognizes the unique experiences of Sikh-Americans and fosters a greater appreciation for cultural and religious diversity.
Guidance on Teaching about Religion
Teaching about religion can be an intimidating task. To learn more about how to teach religion as an academic subject and within First Amendment frameworks, we recommend checking out some of the following resources.
Guidelines for Teaching about Religion in K-12 Public Schools (American Academy of Religion, 2010)
Religious Studies Companion Document (pages 92-97) in the C3 Framework (National Council for the Social Studies, 2017)
Finding Common Ground: A First Amendment Guide to Religion and Public Schools (First Amendment Center, 2011)
A Teacher's Guide to Religion in the Public Schools (Religious Freedom Center, 2017)